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Self-Control Examples 16-19

16) Start tackling backlog of major jobs

Gradually get rid of the backlog of major jobs.  Write a list.  Cross things off when you’ve done them.  Put everything you need to do on the list.  Do a bit each day.


Learn to prioritise.  After doing the initial list containing EVERYTHING that needs doing, then do a sub-list with ONLY the most important items on it - particularly the ones that need to be done this week.  Get them done.  If you do this regularly, after a while you will probably look back at the original full list and realise that some of the items are redundant or have now been done or are just not so important any more.  Don’t be afraid to cross them off.  Learning to be on top of things is very similar to learning not to horde. 

Obsessive people try to do everything – cross every ‘t’ and dot every ‘i’ as it were.  Learn to cross things off that don’t really need to be done.  Often the underlying drive is a fear that if I don’t do this something bad will happen.  Will it?  Try not doing some of the less important items and seeing if something bad happens.  If you have serious neurotic tendencies in this regard it might be worth getting professional help – sometimes these fears can be seriously ingrained.  Basically if you are always chasing your tail and not getting jobs done its possible there’s some obsession issues going on.  You may need to learn to let some things go.  If you don’t seem to be making any headway you may need help with this. 

17) Get good sleep

Go to bed on time to make sure you get enough sleep.  I personally love my job.  However if I am tired I start wanting to get home and no longer enjoy my work.  I feel that my life satisfaction at work is reduced so much by being tired that its really worth making sure I get good sleep.

18) Eat Healthily

I confess I have so many projects on the go that I don’t do this.  I just prefer to allocate the time to other projects that are more important to me.  But most people I know who have very balanced lives make time to cook proper meals.  Decide if this will increase your life satisfaction.  You can always prepare some food once a week and then use it for 3 or 4 meals during the rest of the week. 

19) Don’t drink so much

If your stomach is suffering and you constantly feel like your hung over, or if you feel you are getting dependant on alcohol, start forcing yourself to perhaps go one day a week without drinking when you usually would drink.  Eg. Do you get very drunk on Friday night and Saturday night? In this case you could try not drinking on one of these two nights.  Make your ‘getting drunk’ a once a week treat.  You will probably find that if you are not hung over all weekend you will be able to do all sorts of things you were not able to do before and increase your life satisfaction with the extra resources you now have.  You may also find you save a lot of money.