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Self-Control - Examples 1-9

1) Unclutter your living space.

I personally think that life satisfaction increases massively if your living space is uncluttered and clean.  If you have not been brought up to keep your living space tidy you may never have experienced the happiness that comes from being tidy.  Set aside time every week to tidy your environment.  Or you may find it more effective to do a little every day.  It may take many hours of work but the increased life satisfaction should be worth the hours of work.  Don’t start by trying to make the house spotless if you’ve never kept up with cleaning before.  Concentrate on the items that will make the biggest difference.  Is there a table that is piled high with paperwork that you can always see in your living room?  Well that is like a visible banner saying to you every day ‘You are disorganised you can’t even keep your living room table tidy – you’re such a dysfunctional person – everyone else is more capable than you!’.  I personally think that’s the subtext.  So start with that table – or the most visible mess. 

2) Leave with plenty of time so as to arrive on time for appointments.

Stop doing things when you know you have to go and get ready to leave for an appointment.  Learn not to ‘just do this for a couple more minutes’ -  which turns into 10 minutes, then 15, then ‘damn I’m running late’.  Exercise self-control.

3) Set up filing systems

So that everything has a place

4) Stop hoarding

If you know your home is cluttered because you keep too many items that you are never going to use, then try adopting the following policy: if you haven’t used an item for the last year bin it!!! (Clearly there can be exceptions to this rule but be honest with yourself: is there clutter in your environment that could go? – Or are there items in your cupboard that could really go to the charity shop and make your environment less cluttered?)  If you are very bad with hoarding, perhaps try adopting the following rule:  ‘better to get rid of 20 items, then have to buy one of those items again if it turns out to be needed in the future, than keep the 20 items in case you need to use one of them in the future!’
5) Do cleaning (ie. dusting and sinks etc) regularly

6) Stop raging

Don’t go into rages.  Often withholding the impulse to outburst and carefully assessing the situation, making efforts to work out the best way forward can be more productive.

7) Plan ahead

Use a diary.  If something needs to be dealt with – perhaps arrangements for an event that will occur in a couple of weeks time – do it now.  ‘Mananan manana’ is the behaviour of those who are less organised and consequently live disorganised and more stressful lives.

8) Pay Bills and Renew subscriptions in good time

For example: insurance renewals, tax disk, paying bills, other jobs like upgrading anti-virus on computer before renewal date.  Do it now – don’t wait till the last minute.

9) Get birthday presents and cards bought in good time

Birthdays – place them in a diary and make sure you get cards and presents in good time.